Howdy, I’m Michael Day.
I am a computer scientist by training. Here are my LinkedIn, GitHub, and Twitter profiles and this is my blog about software engineering for drones.
Pretty much everything on this site has been edited by my wife Evie.
I'm a software geek, engineer, dad, and whole lot of other things. The "whole lot of other things" part is because of I have what I have termed Academic ADD in which when I see a new shiny thing I usually want to learn about it until I get bored. This is why it took so long for me to get through school, I think.
The intent of this blog is to chronicle what I have learned to this point as both a means of (hopefully) helping someone and also to hone my understanding. I am a strong believer in the principle that writing about and/or teaching about something is a good way to improve one’s knowledge of any subject, even if you don't know anything about it when you start. Trying to convey something to others requires more organization of thought and generally results (for me) in finding holes in one's thinking.
I am no theoretician. I got bored in Linear Algebra in college very quickly and did not apply myself to it the first time I took it. Later, after I learned how it could be applied to computer graphics I was very interested in it and learned it much better. I think many people learn this way.